Well yesterday I went to the market. It has the most delicious fruit and veg. I got my weekly shop for 20TL (under £10). The best buy was this huge slice of pumpkin for 50p. I put the phone there so you could get an idea of just how big the slice is.
The pomegranates are huge as well. I like the really sour ones, DH likes the sweet ones - just as well i cant work out which are which before I buy, lol.
I'm going to make pumpkin soup this week. It's my favourite winter soup. Let me know if you want the recipie and I can post that in a later post.
I love how fresh the veg is. It tastes wonderful.
Also a big HELLLOOOOO to Shaz and Cath, my new followers. More crafty posts to come...promise
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
christmas trees - a piece of pie
As I don't actually have any crafts shops that I can source embellishments from I tend to make them myself. There are 3 ways that I have worked out how to make christmas trees. When I say worked out, only the Pieces of Pie was an original idea:
Easiest, cut a tall triangle shape in patterend paper (seen this done lots in mags). I cut a template from cardboard and use this to draw around because my hand drawn triangles always end up squint.
Alternatively, punch out 2 or 3 different sizes of hearts. They need to be nesting hearts (idea from CM idea book).
Finally, use 2 or 3 different sized circles. Cut into quarters or even sixths and fit together. I've found that using 3 slices from the same sized circle works best for me. Attach as below:
This is a peek at a couple of wooden embellishments that i keep to use as templates for hat and mitts
happy tree making
Easiest, cut a tall triangle shape in patterend paper (seen this done lots in mags). I cut a template from cardboard and use this to draw around because my hand drawn triangles always end up squint.
Alternatively, punch out 2 or 3 different sizes of hearts. They need to be nesting hearts (idea from CM idea book).
Finally, use 2 or 3 different sized circles. Cut into quarters or even sixths and fit together. I've found that using 3 slices from the same sized circle works best for me. Attach as below:
This is a peek at a couple of wooden embellishments that i keep to use as templates for hat and mitts
happy tree making
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
It's Wednesday, so that must mean that it's time to see What is On Your Workdesk again. To join in the fun, pop over to Julia's blog where all those inviting links are kept in a central location.
Today's desk is a little more disorganised than creative. I don't actually know where most of my crafty things are at the moment. I suppose it's all part of rushing around trying to get the house (and myself) back to normal after my visitors.
Still, I have managed to make some christmas cards. I tried embossing and then running over the (snow or snowflakes) with my white ink. I am fairly happy with the result so might try with other shades of card stock later. I also managed to use my paper weaved embellishment (that i posted about a few weeks ago).
I can also spy my halloween punch that i was using for some of my cards in the last few weeks, and a sentiment that i wasn't happy with from a previoius card order. Did I mention before my hatred of throwing things out? I'm sure i can do something with the shape, lol.
Off out early this morning, but will be hopping over to see lots of desks later this afternoon. Thanks to everyone who left lovely messages last week, hopefully i managed to return the visit.
Happy Wednesday!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
They've all gone home
The house is so empty now, but it was fun having everyone over to visit. I am very tired, so having a lazy day today. Actually, I am doing loads of washing. Think I am on my 5th load now.
The weather was a lot cooler this October, and wetter than normal. So, as I was cleaning all the beds I thought I should make an attempt at changing the wardrobes around. This is a very Turkish phenomenon, or should I say it only happened once I moved from Scotland (you can wear jeans and jumpers all year there). There is a marked difference in my colour scheme between summer (mainly white) and winter (mainly dark - black/red/green/blue). Ofcourse, I wear brown what ever the weather - i just pick a shade to suit, lol. (My friend Zilpha rolls her eyes in disgust). I love brown and cream.
Hopefully I will get back into a bit more crafting, and onto UKScrappers to chat with my teammies a bit more too this week.
Just before I go a big Hi to Elanva, my new follower.
I promise my next post will be a bit more crafty than this one. I am fiddling about making some DIY christmas trees for cards and tags. I'll post more about this later......
The weather was a lot cooler this October, and wetter than normal. So, as I was cleaning all the beds I thought I should make an attempt at changing the wardrobes around. This is a very Turkish phenomenon, or should I say it only happened once I moved from Scotland (you can wear jeans and jumpers all year there). There is a marked difference in my colour scheme between summer (mainly white) and winter (mainly dark - black/red/green/blue). Ofcourse, I wear brown what ever the weather - i just pick a shade to suit, lol. (My friend Zilpha rolls her eyes in disgust). I love brown and cream.
Hopefully I will get back into a bit more crafting, and onto UKScrappers to chat with my teammies a bit more too this week.
Just before I go a big Hi to Elanva, my new follower.
I promise my next post will be a bit more crafty than this one. I am fiddling about making some DIY christmas trees for cards and tags. I'll post more about this later......
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Today it's the return of a busy desk. As my mum is here I have been taking the time (and opportunity) to get information on some of the heritage photos that i have. Of course it is going to benefit her as the return on her time is going to be lots of pages with lots of information/journalling for her albums.
My sister brought me a couple of books to read, we have problems getting English books here and most of my friends dont have the same taste in books as I do. That is why there is a reading book as opposed to craft book on my desk, she is staying in the craft room/spare bedroom (poor thing). That's also the reason for the tight shot of my desk and nothing else.
I didnt have a lot of time last week to visit WOYWWers, but I promise to try harder this week. Thank you to everyone who visited my blog last week and left lovely messages. I think i managed to visit everyone, although it did take ages without the number. I had a great time on my roadtrip to Sirince, but didnt like the early rise. Hence I dont think I'll be at the coveted #1 place again, love my bed too much.
If you are wondering why I am showing this mess, pop over to Julia's blog to join the fun. Have a lovely wednesday and i hope you all have better weather than our thunder & lightning.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Virgin Mary house and Sirince
Well, we had a lovely day on Wednesday in Sirince (pronounced She-reen-gee). It is in the ancient city of Selcuk (sell chook) and up a very very high mountain. It is cute and quaint, and produces very fine fruit wines. There is also a lovely church up a very steep climb - but it has a lovely view
Afterwards we were going to visit Ephesus, but as P's knees were aching we decided that virgin Mary's house would be gentler on the legs, and less slippery underfoot. Ephesus can get quite treacherous in the rain because of the marble slabs that the roads are built from.
this is the path from the house to the chapel, and the foundations of the house
This is a photo of the chapel, and the wall of white is a wall which has been covered with tissues and ribbons of wishes (which you then tie onto the wall). The setting is beautiful and the sense of peace and tranquility there is incredible. If you ever visit Turkey this is definately a place to come to. Whether you are religious or not, the park can be enjoyed just for the setting.
Well, just a short post as mum and sis are here....so off to do some entertaining...but before I go...Hello to Gez! I have my first follower. Hope you enjoy the post, more craft stuff next week.
Afterwards we were going to visit Ephesus, but as P's knees were aching we decided that virgin Mary's house would be gentler on the legs, and less slippery underfoot. Ephesus can get quite treacherous in the rain because of the marble slabs that the roads are built from.
this is the path from the house to the chapel, and the foundations of the house
This is a photo of the chapel, and the wall of white is a wall which has been covered with tissues and ribbons of wishes (which you then tie onto the wall). The setting is beautiful and the sense of peace and tranquility there is incredible. If you ever visit Turkey this is definately a place to come to. Whether you are religious or not, the park can be enjoyed just for the setting.
Well, just a short post as mum and sis are here....so off to do some entertaining...but before I go...Hello to Gez! I have my first follower. Hope you enjoy the post, more craft stuff next week.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
It's Wednesday again (well it will be when you are reading this)....the week went so fast I almost missed it. I'm cheating a little, this is a Tuesday photo. On Wednesday I will be in a lovely village called Sirince so the desk wont have changed. Sirince is a wine producing village at the top of a very steep climb (by car). Amongst other things it has a lovely jewellery shop (I believe they made most of the period jewellery for Troy - the movie with Brad Pitt).
To join in the desk hop pop over to Julia's blog.
I have been clearing up my craft room in preparation for my family visiting. Here is the evidence, not often it looks this tidy. My bookcase doubles up as a storage area for my 12x12 albums; craft mags and 12x12 paper pads. My little unit is where i keep the smaller albums and card stock.
To join in the desk hop pop over to Julia's blog.
I have been clearing up my craft room in preparation for my family visiting. Here is the evidence, not often it looks this tidy. My bookcase doubles up as a storage area for my 12x12 albums; craft mags and 12x12 paper pads. My little unit is where i keep the smaller albums and card stock.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
they might be small...
but they are really annoying. I'm talking mosquito, wasps, flies etc.
It's coming to the end of the season here, and i think that they are all looking for that one last bite. Unfortunately, their intended target is me. I have ran from 4 wasps today (big red and yellow ones - ugh) and there is a mossie in my craft room tonight that is driving me crazy. I can hear it, I've felt it bite twice and yet I always seem to miss swiping it.
I am looking forward to some really cold weather just so that I dont have to live in fear of all things that bite!
It's coming to the end of the season here, and i think that they are all looking for that one last bite. Unfortunately, their intended target is me. I have ran from 4 wasps today (big red and yellow ones - ugh) and there is a mossie in my craft room tonight that is driving me crazy. I can hear it, I've felt it bite twice and yet I always seem to miss swiping it.
I am looking forward to some really cold weather just so that I dont have to live in fear of all things that bite!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
It's Wednesday again, and another work desk. If anyone is confused by the acronym pop over to Julia's blog and join in the fun.
So, last week was all about tags and using up my stash trash. This week is all about christmas cards. I can never settle on just one design, instead I just go where the creative path leads. Which is why my space looks chaotic.
My crafting buddy in Edinburgh has a whole co-ordinated colour scheme and stamp thing going on. I love it, she has such great taste. Unfortunately I'm too much of a gemini for that, although i often use her style as inspiration.
I bought a couple of christmas stamps last christmas in the sale. Lets face it, a girl can never have too many baubles....or stamps with baubles on anyway.
Some of the old faithful things have made a reappearance on my desk: glitter glue and normal glitter. I am using the frosted lace stickles a lot more than i thought i would, even for non-christmas projects, so that might go back on my christmas list. Well, it might be another flavour but you get my point.
What is on your christmas list? Leave a comment and i will pop over through the week to see what my fellow WOYWWers are up to
Happy crafting!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Talking trash, stash trash....
I have mentioned before in my blog about how much stash trash (off-cuts and reminants) I keep. Actually, if I can punch a flower from the off-cut I will (before throwing it out). As a result, I now have a little tub of punched flowers in a variety of different colours, shapes and sizes which i use frequently.
I also keep straight edges in an old 12" pencilcase, from trimming things down to size...just incase.
Well, I'm not sure what the 'just incase' was going to be, but after reading the ribbon article in one of the scrapbook magazine (that i read several times) I wondered if i could do a faux ribbon weave with those offcuts. You can see the result below.
OK, so it took me longer than normal, but it was actually a lot of fun. I think i got some cool backgrounds for my cards. Not sure I would attempt these on a regular basis, but it was a good exercise in using up stash trash.
I would be interested in seeing what everyone else uses their stash trash for. Put a link in the comments, I promise I will pop over to check it out.
I also keep straight edges in an old 12" pencilcase, from trimming things down to size...just incase.
Well, I'm not sure what the 'just incase' was going to be, but after reading the ribbon article in one of the scrapbook magazine (that i read several times) I wondered if i could do a faux ribbon weave with those offcuts. You can see the result below.
OK, so it took me longer than normal, but it was actually a lot of fun. I think i got some cool backgrounds for my cards. Not sure I would attempt these on a regular basis, but it was a good exercise in using up stash trash.
I would be interested in seeing what everyone else uses their stash trash for. Put a link in the comments, I promise I will pop over to check it out.
start with a base shape. I used a cut out part of a tissue box |
select colours of offcuts for the weave |
tape to end to secure. making sure all strips are longer than the cardboard shape, this helps the weaving process |
once the weave is complete glitter a strip of double sided tape at the top and cut out image |
attach to the paper weave and the topper is ready to mount onto the card |
Sunday, October 3, 2010
I've been here how long??
OK, so i entered my craft room with lots of christmas card ideas in mind. 4 hours later, i have blogged, read other blogs (WOYWW mainly), commented on blogs, tidied my magazines (craft of course).....and NO, I have made no cards.
How does that happen?
I have stamped some images and coloured in and glittered, but no actual finished product as yet. I am also trying to get my stepper card folded correctly - the last 2 were definately off centre. Oh well, 3rd time is the lucky one...here goes...
Next blog and I promise to have some cards to show for my time in this room, my little happy place..
How does that happen?
I have stamped some images and coloured in and glittered, but no actual finished product as yet. I am also trying to get my stepper card folded correctly - the last 2 were definately off centre. Oh well, 3rd time is the lucky one...here goes...
Next blog and I promise to have some cards to show for my time in this room, my little happy place..
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Back to school again
Well, summer holidays are finished here too. My niece in Scotland went back to school in August, but our Turkish lessons start again in October so i really should get some revision in between my scrapping and blogging.
I am still working my way through Shimelle's on-line blogging course. Been ill this last week, so not done much of anything other than Sofa hugging and watching TV.
Next couple of posts should be a little more creative and enjoyable.
I am still working my way through Shimelle's on-line blogging course. Been ill this last week, so not done much of anything other than Sofa hugging and watching TV.
Next couple of posts should be a little more creative and enjoyable.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Spooktacular halloween competition
During my blog hopping I came across nnalorac, a design team member for By the cute and girly blog. You have to have a peek at their Spooky October challenge. You can see the design team's creations, which are fab and inspiring. This is my attempt to create something spooky. Might try a card later, but as I'm all about the tags for the moment...this is my entry.
I have left the bottom part free for a spooky message to the recipient - one of my nieces or nephews, most likely.
I used creative memories punches: tag and halloween for the spook & spider. It used up a few bits of my stash trash (that is the off-cuts that should go into the bin, but invariably end up in my oddments box), So, I am happy to share.. more later...Where has the time gone?
It's October 1st! How did that happen? I can hardly believe we are in the last quarter of 2010. A whole 9 months and very little in the way of scrapping or card making to show for it....must do better!
October normally means cold wintery nights, wrapping up warm, hats and gloves...and the best of all...warm hues of autumn all around. Here, I am still in my shorts and t-shirt, the sky is bright blue and the sun is still shining. The nights are a little cooler now thankfully. Still, I do miss the changing of the seasons.
I have friends coming over soon, and they are bringing me some halloween and christmas supplies. I am sooooooo excited. I have found myself looking at other blogs and getting a distinct christmassy feeling. So, I am making some christmas tags as well as birthday tags with my scrap odds and ends. Ofcourse I am stamping too. Will post the end products later, but i am wondering if i can make all my tags without using my new stash.
October normally means cold wintery nights, wrapping up warm, hats and gloves...and the best of all...warm hues of autumn all around. Here, I am still in my shorts and t-shirt, the sky is bright blue and the sun is still shining. The nights are a little cooler now thankfully. Still, I do miss the changing of the seasons.
I have friends coming over soon, and they are bringing me some halloween and christmas supplies. I am sooooooo excited. I have found myself looking at other blogs and getting a distinct christmassy feeling. So, I am making some christmas tags as well as birthday tags with my scrap odds and ends. Ofcourse I am stamping too. Will post the end products later, but i am wondering if i can make all my tags without using my new stash.
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